A Chinese American man named Owen Johnson's quest to solve the mystery behind his birth parent's disappearance leads him to the peak of a windswept mountain in China, where he discovers an ancient Shaolin temple inhabited by a group of warriors calling themselves the Order of the Flaming Fist. After proving his martial arts prowess, the order's leader, Master Wei Lun, invites Owen to stay and begin training. Soon, Owen begins a forbidden romance with another warrior, Ling Zan, and learns that the order has two missions: to rediscover the long-lost ability to generate devastating fireballs and to ensure their temple's secrets never fall into the hands of their adversaries, the Scorched Earth Clan.
Kirkman (The Walking Dead) and Samnee (Black Widow: The Complete Collection) have created a fun homage to classic martial arts films and comic books, and while this volume serves as a prelude to an upcoming monthly series, it includes more than enough action and intrigue to satisfy on its own.