A mysterious and invisible alien presence has landed in rural Texas and has started turning the nearby townspeople into white-faced, bloodthirsty killers. As the local authorities begin to investigate the strange and violent goings on, a photographer and his girlfriend find themselves trapped in the midst of an unexpected rural bloodbath, which seeks to turn them into another pair of bloodsuckers from outer space...
A low budget, low rent horror comedy from writer/director Glen Coburn, BLOOD SUCKERS FROM OUTER SPACE is a gory and silly slice of home made regional genre filmmaking. Vinegar Syndrome presents the Blu-ray debut of this straight-to-video classic, freshly restored from its 16mm negative and filled with a whole host of newly created special features.
Directed by: Glen Coburn
Starring: Thom Meyers, Laura Ellis, Robert Bradeen, Big John Brigham, Glen Coburn, Franny Coppenbarger
1984 / 81 minutes / Color / 1.85:1 OAR
Region free Blu-ray/DVD combo
Newly scanned and restored in 2k from 16mm negative elements
Commentary Track with writer/director Glen Coburn, actor Thom Meyers and cinematographer Chad D. Smith
"34 Years Later" - 50 minute 'making-of' documentary
"Back To Bloodsucker Town" - 15 minute locations featurette
"Bloody Arm Rip 101" - special effects featurette
Stills Gallery: featuring over 100 images from the director's personal collection!
Reversible cover artwork
English SDH subtitles
Bonus Store Hours
Wed-Sat 12pm-6pm Sun 12pm-5p
Mon 23rd - 12:00pm-6:00pm
Tues 24th 9:00am-1:00pm